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  ChangeColor <Foreground> <Background>

       Example : ChangeColor 7 1

  Changes the colour of the text if the user has ANSI graphics
  enabled. Valid colours are:

       <Foreground>                        <Background>
       ------------                        ------------

       0    Black                          0   Black
       1    Blue                           1   Blue
       2    Green                          2   Green
       3    Cyan                           3   Cyan
       4    Red                            4   Red
       5    Magenta                        5   Magenta
       6    Brown                          6   Brown
       7    Light Grey                     7   Light Grey
       8    Dark Grey
       9    Light Blue
      10    Light Green
      11    Light Cyan
      12    Light Red
      13    Light Magenta
      14    Yellow
      15    White

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson